Financial Supporters

from:  TECNICA: Volunteers for Development and Social Justice, Program Report, 1988-89, © Institute for Technology and Development, p. 15.

TECNICA gratefully acknowledges all our donors. Although we cannot list everyone, we appreciate the support of all those who have made our work possible this year.  Thank you for your continuing generosity and encouragement.


National Community Funds
The Arca Foundation
The Conservation, Food, and Health Foundation
The Max and Anna M. Levinson Foundation
The Sequoia Foundation


The Boehm Foundation
David Foecke
John Greenberg
Ann R. Roberts


The Boca Lupo Fund of the Tides Foundation
W.H. and Carol Ferry
Richard L. Geidel
Donna Katzen and Alan Altschuler
Jo Levinson
Maya Miller
E. Stahl
The Philip M. Stern Famly Fund
Walter and Jeanette Wittman
Working Assets Funding Service
Barbara Z. Zeluck


Susan Abvott
Anonymous (4)
Ruth M. Berlin
Eleanor and George Bollag
Ms. Charlie Bowen
Samuel H. Burr
Dorothy and Herbert Carver
Anna Cherney
Alice Daniel
Dorcas D. Davis
Janis Dorizensky
Frank and Dolores Emspak
Emil Fackler
Jeanne P. Fisher
Franklin Research and Development Corporation
Joan and Herbert Gill
Ellen Grobman
David Hersch
Tamara Kerr
The Limantour Fund
Arthur and Susan Lloyd
Jeffrey Marlin
Stephen and Linda Mooser
Michael O. Nimkoff
Felicia Oldfather
Dr. Joseph G. Polusky
Louis Proyect
Steven Rees and Margaret Baran
Michael and Nancy Rice
Anna Sanchez
Vanda A. Sendzimir
The Share-It-Now Foundation
The Sisters of St. Joseph
Jane Jo Smith
Mrs. Arthur Stewart


Genia Albercht
Dennis Allard
Anonymous (3)
Edward Asner
Bettermade Foods, Inc.
Donna G. Blackmond
Carl E. Carter
Peter R. Chase
Eleanor Crary
John Creasy
Tilford E. Dudley
Nick Freudenberg
Leo and Sherry Frumkin
Amy Woods and Nelson Gore
Robert S. Green
Richard Greener
Sam Grudin
Carol P. Guyer
Robert Himmel
Arthur Edward Kennedy
David and Rose Knierim
Timothy Brophy Maher
Katherine D. Massel
Robert W. McChesney
Patricia Nanon
Henry and Agnes Plenk
Ronald and Barbara Portee
Lyle Ramshaw
Paul Rider
Kristen M. Seashore
Karen Sloss
Norton Tooby
Richard H. Ulmann
Sidney Unger
The Vanguard Public Foundation
Robert and Katherine Weaver
Dennis Yarak
Jody A. Zaitlin