Audio Part 2: Africa Report — Country by Country

TecNica Executive Director, Michael Urmann, reports country by country on what kind of technical assistance was requested by various universities, medical schools, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations who came forward to meet with TecNica delegations.

These recordings, though recorded in stereo, are presented in mono because of WordPress limitations.  Stereo recordings are available for each segment and as one large/long file.

WordPress site limitations also prevented us from offering the entire recording as a single, continuous file (just too big/long, it was over a 1½ hours).

Click below to hear the audio recording of the report on the

Tanzania Technical Project Possibilities


Click below to listen to the audio recording of the report on the

Zambia Technical Project Possibilities


Click here to hear the audio recording of the report on the

Mozambique Technical Project Possibilities


Click here to hear the audio recording of the report on the

Zimbabwe Technical Project Possibilities

<coming soon>

Click below to hear the last segment of the audio recording of the report on the African Countries Needs Assessment.  Here Urmann discusses the possibilities for TecNica as a Technical Peace Corps.

Next Steps:  Future for TecNica Volunteers in Africa


Click to view the introductory page:  Audio: TecNica in Africa Needs Assessment — Introduction